Tuesday, November 3, 2015


By Rev. Mario Gonzalez, J.D.

Biological males now protected as having a “Constitutional Right” to bathe along with biological females in High School, so long as they “believe themselves” to be female, notwithstanding the presence of a distinctly male organ for all (biological females) to see or turn away from. This is the finding of Federal education authorities in Illinois against an Illinois school district seeking to honor the requests of parents who found the practice disgraceful. It’s only going to get worse unless the Church and other groups rally together and demand equal respect.

Here’s an excerpt from my lecture series on the outcome of the Same-Sex Marriage Decision which foretold of this move. It is part of my section on “The Trojan Horse.” –

“Here’s the problem - Allowing people who identify as gay or lesbian to marry is a question of what the State does. It governs the conduct of state or governmental officials. However, how you treat alleged discrimination against people who identify as gay – is another question altogether. This is a question that addresses the behavior of private actors - business owners, private employers, pastors, licensed teachers, public and private schools, licensed counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists and so on. Now we have a Supreme Court precedent that can be used to force people to act against their religious beliefs by claiming that acting on their faith is a discriminatory act.

As expected, WITHIN ONE MONTH OF THE DECISION, the EEOC in a 3-2 ruling (notice how close these rulings are – around 50% are AGAINST) held that discrimination against someone in employment for sexual preference is the same as sex discrimination (an established protected class) and is to be treated accordingly. This law basically proscribes disparate treatment of “similarly situated persons.” It essentially allows enforcement action by federal, state and local municipalities against private citizens, companies, or generally “actors” as an anti-discrimination effort.

By conflating the two issues (the right to marry and discrimination based on an individual’s personal sexual preference and/or preferred sexual identity) and by morally justifying homosexuality in its holding, Obergefell essentially established A NEW CIVIL RIGHT affecting an ever-expanding and as yet undefined group of people (LGBTQ… LMNOP). This decision not only forced states to ignore their democratically adopted domestic relations laws (family law) against the will of the people in those states, but it will now be used to demand equal protection for this as yet undefined group to engage in behavior considered by most as morally unacceptable for thousands of years, such as the unfettered use of restrooms or showers of one's choosing, irrespective of one's biological gender, based solely on a person’s claimed (and unchallenged) psycho-sexual proclivity or identity. This will be allowed and protected by law as a result of this holding irrespective of how morally repugnant the choice might be to others directly affected by it.

In summary, based on this opinion, the Court has not only established itself as the Supreme Court of the land, but as a Supreme entity. It is no longer limited to merely interpreting the laws of the several States in light of the Constitution, but can now apparently confer dignity on what or who it sees fit, making moral what religion deems sinful, finding value in what nature manifests as wasteful, and praising a behavior that historically has served as a consistent marker for impending societal collapse.”Look up the article in the New York times by clicking here


Sunday, October 4, 2015


An examination of the Supreme Court’s recent same-sex ruling. 
By Rev. Mario Gonzalez Jr., Esq., J.D.

A Fairytale
In 1837 Danish author, Hans Christian Andersen, penned the fairy tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes” about cunning swindlers who concocted a scheme to defraud a vain emperor. The emperor was duped into buying a garment hailed as being made from a valuable fabric invisible to anyone either unfit for his position or “hopelessly stupid.” The June 26, 2015 decision, Obergefell v. Hodges, came as a result of the use of the same deceptive technique by the LGBT lobby, duping the American public, the media, and now the U.S. Supreme Court into buying a fantasy to our collective shame as a nation.

Contrary to popular belief, marriage equality was not achieved by this ruling. Even before this decision, everyone in America could technically marry. What this ruling actually did was obliterate the definition of marriage, an institution held sacrosanct for thousands of years. It defined the term into meaninglessness. As a result of the ruling, same-sex couples can now enter into an as yet undefined social compact which has no gender limitations and soon will have no empirical limitation, as limiting marriage to two people will be legally problematic based on the legal logic used in this holding.

Government is God
Through this decision the Supreme Court has unilaterally overridden the legislative will of over thirty (30) states. And as in the Obamacare decision that preceded it, the Court here unequivocally solidifies its new standard that words no longer have a definite legal meaning. Words now mean only what SCOTUS says they mean. Based on this opinion, the Court has not only established itself as the Supreme Court of the land, but as a Supreme entity. It is no longer limited to merely interpreting the laws of the several States in light of the Constitution, but can now apparently confer dignity on what or who it sees fit, making moral what religion deems sinful, finding value in what nature manifests as wasteful, and praising a behavior that historically has served as a consistent marker for impending societal collapse.

Justice Kennedy’s “Newspeak.”
Justice Kennedy gives lip service to the virtues of marriage by saying, “It is fair and necessary to say these references [to marriage] were based on the understanding that marriage is a union between two persons of the opposite sex.” And that “…reasonable and sincere people here and throughout the world still hold this view of marriage.” But his soliloquy makes this irrelevant, as he ultimately uses the Court’s newly found divine authority to label these “reasonable” people as both wrong and biased. In this context he makes an ominous statement:

“Many who deem same-sex marriage to be wrong reach that conclusion based on decent and honorable religious or philosophical premises, and neither they nor their beliefs are disparaged here. But when that sincere, personal opposition becomes enacted law and public policy, the necessary consequence is to put the imprimatur of the State itself on an exclusion that soon demeans or stigmatizes those whose own liberty is then denied.”

This statement essentially excludes people whose opinions are forged by their moral and religious ideals from involving themselves in the legislative process and further proscribes the application of their beliefs to democratically influence public policy. He ‘touts’ religious freedom apparently believing religious communities to be comprised of legal idiots when he says,

“Finally, it must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same-sex marriage should not be condoned. The First Amendment ensures that religious organizations and persons are given proper protection as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths, and to their own deep aspirations to continue the family structure they have long revered.”

So basically, religious people can constitutionally believe and teach whatever they want to [even if this Court has deemed it bigoted], so long as they don’t put their beliefs into practice, a right portentously excluded from this statement. Justice Thomas’ response to this ruse is significant, characterizing the majority’s assumption that government confers “dignity” through marriage as nonsensical:

“Slaves did not lose their dignity (any more than they lost their humanity) because the government allowed them to be enslaved... [a]nd those denied governmental benefits certainly do not lose their dignity because the government denies them those benefits. The government cannot bestow dignity, and it cannot take it away.”

He calls out Kennedy’s attempt at deception, quoting portions of the above excerpt and adds,

“Religious liberty is about more than just the protection for ‘religious organizations and persons… as they seek to teach the principles that are so fulfilling and so central to their lives and faiths’. Ibid. Religious liberty is about freedom of action in matters of religion generally, and the scope of that liberty is directly correlated to the civil restraints placed upon religious practice.”

What About Marriage Equality?
Chief Justice Roberts, in his vehement dissent, states, “The majority’s decision [to announce a new civil right] is an act of will, not legal judgment. The right it announces has no basis in the Constitution or this Court’s precedent.” A person does not find their identity and gain "civil rights" by a pattern of willful behavior. Behaving or feeling a certain way is an aspect of our human experience and does not in itself establish an inherent immutable characteristic. To be “immutable” something must be permanent – unchanging. Being black, for example, is a legitimate constitutional immutable characteristic. Even using the amicus brief actually quoted by Justice Kennedy in support of this Court’s mistaken contention that “sexual orientation is an immutable characteristic,” (yeah, I read it), said “… fully 88% of gay men and 68% of lesbians reported that they had ‘no choice’ [about their sexual orientation] at all.” Based on this Court's own supporting briefs from which it draws its irrational conclusion, 12%, or 1-2 out of 10 self-professed homosexual men and over 1/3 of professed lesbians in the studies feel they have a choice as to their sexual orientation. These numbers do not an “immutable” characteristic support.

That said, the question was never one of equality. The question always was whether an alleged committed relationship between two same-sex parties could legitimately be called a “marriage” and who should decided whether this is so. According to Justice Kennedy, a man who just two years ago in the infamous United States v. Windsor case wrote an opinion that concluded, “[R]egulation of domestic relations is an area that has long been regarded as a virtually exclusive province of the States,” and then went on to write, “[T]he Federal Government, through our history, has deferred to state-law policy decisions with respect to domestic relations,” he now has completely reversed his opinion and feels that it is the Federal Government through the divine Supreme Court that should decide what a marriage actually is.

The Court has now unfortunately legally codified a false narrative. Based on strained studies engineered to push an agenda bent on establishing a bogus "civil right" where such a right does not constitutionally exist, we are now faced with a “new” civil right for a non-existent and non-discrete class of people. As a result, people of faith will suffer greatly because of the tsunami of litigation that will follow against those who will dare to refuse to “bow to Baal” (figuratively) by not compromising their deeply held religious convictions. Justices, Judges and City Clerks will likely be fired all around the country if they do not perform same-sex ceremonies they find repugnant to their faith. Religious schools and organizations may also soon be sued and may well loose public grants and ultimately their tax-exempt status as a direct consequence of this ruling, a ruling purportedly aimed only at guaranteeing “equality” for a burdened class.

Chief Justice Roberts issued this chilling warning of impending attacks against people of faith,

“Today’s decision, for example, creates serious questions about religious liberty. Many good and decent people oppose same-sex marriage as a tenet of faith, and their freedom to exercise religion is—unlike the right imagined by the majority— actually spelled out in the Constitution (First Amendment). Respect for sincere religious conviction has led voters and legislators in every State that has adopted same-sex marriage democratically to include accommodations for religious practice. The majority’s decision imposing same- sex marriage cannot, of course, create any such accommodations. The majority graciously suggests that religious believers may continue to “advocate” and “teach” their views of marriage. The First Amendment guarantees, however, the freedom to “exercise” religion. Ominously, that is not a word the majority uses.”

In the end, this decision had little to do with equality or the U.S. Constitution and everything to do with a social agenda aimed at vilifying and ultimately mortally wounding all who look upon the sexual behaviors in question as morally wrong. Like the fairy tale, it is all about forcing the American people to recognize and laud a non-existent civil right fancifully displayed by a largely immoral Court. This time it’s America that has no clothes.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


SCOTUS, April 28, 2015 - Obergefell v. Hodges – Oral Arguments
By Mario Gonzalez Jr., J.D.

I am a hardcore Mets fan. Stands to reason, in light of the fact that I always root for the underdog. But on occasion during a Mets game, regardless of how optimistic I might have been coming to the game, there comes a point where my team’s lackluster performance causes me to make the decision to leave the game early to beat the traffic. Staying to witness the slaughter is just too heartbreaking. This is exactly how I felt hearing John J. Bursch’s oral argument for the respondent states yesterday.

In a word, his argument was convoluted. Not only so, but it was more than likely grossly ineffective at changing anyone’s mind. Even when Justice Scalia threw Bursch a lifesaver trying to redirect him toward making a case for undergirding historical state sovereignty in regulating marital affairs, Bursch was unable to grab hold of it to save himself. When asked why a fundamental right such as the right to marry (marriage itself flowing from a broader fundamental ‘right to privacy’ implicit in the Due Process Clause, Zablocki v. Redhail, 434 U.S. 374 (1978)) should be made available to all but one class of people, namely those with same-sex attractions, Bursch wasted valuable court time by hopelessly trying to convince the court that the state’s primary interest in limiting marriage to heterosexual couples was based on the state’s compelling interest in promoting and controlling the nuclear family structure because of issues associated with procreation. Choosing this angle of argumentation to justify what would be the apparent denial of a fundamental right to a particularized group seemed unbelievably shallow and ill conceived to me. Let me say that in English - it was just dumb. As you can expect, the argument was literally gutted by the court, as it should have been. That said, John seems to get it together toward the end of his presentation. Until then, it appears that he had lost the Court. The prudent angle of attack, as hinted at by Scalia, should have revolved around outlining the likely havoc that an equal protection holding based on sexual orientation in this case would indirectly have on the state’s ability to decide its own destiny regarding the control of marriage within its boundaries – a control that they have had since the Constitution was forged and that is now, at least in terms of who can marry, being taken away. The second argument should have been the effect that such a holding would have on a citizen’s constitutionally protected religious liberty interests. The appellants actually publicly conceded that private religious schools could well be denied tax exemption by the holding in this case, should a school’s historic, biblical, and deeply held religious convictions force them to now allegedly discriminate against what would likely then be considered a “protected class” based on same-sex attraction. Beyond that, simply voicing the religious beliefs held by many orthodox religious people of many faiths on homosexuality itself might soon well be regarded as “hate speech” – a form of speech unprotected by the First Amendment – even on a pulpit. In short, religious organizations holding to traditional views on marriage are about to face the challenge of their lives.

As anticipated, the Loving and Windsor decisions were respectively shoved down respondent’s throat. The respondent’s arguments here were so bad that I actually found them really hard to listen to. I mentally got up and went to the imaginary parking lot in my head to beat traffic. A holding in favor of the states here would require no less than an act of God.

Friday, April 24, 2015


You asked and here's your answer. If you adhere to the following simple principles meticulously, you will grow. It's really as simple as that. Jesus is coming soon so we can't waste any more time.

Think ONE-HAND. Five (5) fingers:
(1) Participation (everyone); (2) Training (hands-on); (3) Evangelism (friendship) ; (4) Miracles (expect), (5) People (emphasis - "Feed my sheep/lambs")

1.    Adherent participation | Put Everybody to work - Involved people both feel a part of the church and multiply themselves! This is pivotal. Don't let anyone just sit there. Even a new convert can do something (arrange chairs, help with the food pantry, construction, etc.)

2.    Emphasis on ministerial training. This is best done cyclically - Intellectual/empirical training followed by practical application. People really learn most by doing, so cycle study & practical ministry. Practice what you learned immediately after learning it. Here's the flow (1) study an area, (2) practice what you learned in that area,  then (3) study next area and so forth.

3.    Focus on growth (evangelism) rather than maintenance. The people that you spend the most time "ministering to" are typically the first to leave. They will suck you dry and then go on to kill the next guy. Concentrating on maintenance will stunt growth. "Getting by" is simply unacceptable. The word "maintenance" is not in God's vocabulary. We are called to be "fruitful," not simply to exist. We must line up our actual practices with our objectives. Ask yourself, "Is what I'm doing helping me to DIRECTLY achieve my objective? If not, rethink what you are doing and adapt it until it does, or just stop dead in your tracks and regroup. Keep asking yourself, "What am I here for? What is our purpose? What is my specific part in helping to move the church toward achieving that purpose personally?” You must stay true to your mission. If you reach the lost, everything else will follow. Everything you do (your worship, your word, your teaching) must serve to reach the lost.

4.    Depend on and expect the miraculous. He said, "these signs WILL FOLLOW," not that they "might" follow. People have to get healed and delivered. Public testimonies are essential to growth. People need to see the hand of God. The dragon is overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We must emphasize the miraculous. 

5.    Focus resources on people rather than buildings. The building can't outweigh the ministry. Build the church!! The church will take care of the building. We can’t build at the expense of evangelism. 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Newsflash – Israel’s interests are America’s interests. Entertaining an agreement with Iran that could result in setting up for a modern-day nuclear holocaust in Israel, being that Iran has made no qualms about their quite public and fervent desire to annihilate Israel, quite frankly goes beyond anti-Semitic behavior.  What the U.S. is demonstrating toward Israel requires a new term - one that more aptly describes the seemingly deep-seated loathing that this President has toward our most faithful ally.

For this administration to say through their politically savvy State Department spokeswoman, Marie Harf (now infamously known for her “ISIS needs jobs” solution to the current Islamic genocide we are observing all over the Middle East), that “This is an agreement that is only about the nuclear issue…This is an agreement that doesn’t deal with any other issues, nor should it,” is deeply offensive and dismissive of the love and concern that the United States has toward the people of Israel and its historic commitment to their protection.  Israel’s national interests must be at the very core of any contemplated agreement with Iran. To ignore this fact demonstrates a mindset completely at odds with the sentiments of the American people.


Neither is having homicidal thoughts - that is, until those thoughts turn into a plan. This is how we can arrest people preparing to execute a radical Islamic murderous plot before they actually kill people. Unfortunately, pedophiles don't give us much advance warning before they perpetrate their life altering crimes.

As is usually the case with these academic theorists, they separate the thought from the action and then seek a sympathetic ear for those beset by this criminal mindset. Now it would seem they are going much further. Academics in a recent conference at the University of Cambridge (England) publicly stated, "Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males.” They went on to conclude, “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.” Are you kidding me? If this had been said specifically about gay men the liberal media would have set these people on fire. Some group would doubtless have picketed the university. Yet it appears to be okay to say this about men as a whole, most of which are heterosexual.

When will society come to its collective senses and realize the plot being executed to disparage our moral convictions and vilify conservatives, particularly those in our communities of faith, at the expense of our children?

"This thinking is really a European thing..." Really? Here it is in living color at my daughter's school, Rutgers University, right here in good ol' NJ, U.S.A.. This continues to happen while the Church is comfortably, as Keith Green would say, "asleep in the light." It's time for all of us to wake up and smell the coffee.


Thursday, April 9, 2015


Women at Corinth prayed and prophesied publicly. The issue at Corinth which Paul raised was not the right of women to pray and prophesy in public, but only the proper manner in which it should be done (1 Corinthians 11:4, 5, 16-18) in the light of prevailing customs. His counsel, "Judge in yourselves (v. 13), and his statement that neither he nor the churches of God had any such custom (v. 16) if any were contentious or disputatious, indicate he did not look upon the head covering as a binding moral obligation. This is in harmony with Paul’s motivation to be all things to all men for God’s glory and the salvation of lost humanity (1 Corinthians 9:19-23; 10-27-33; Romans 14:1-23), and at the same not flaunting his liberty in external matters (1 Corinthians 8:9; 10:23).

Paul’s prohibition of women speaking does not relate to a ministry. The key to Paul’s meaning in 1 Corinthians 14:34 in enjoining silence upon women in the churches is found in the immediate context. It refers to women benefiting or learning from what is taking place in the church and not to a public ministry for women, which the Scriptures elsewhere affirm. Paul says, "If they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home." This is directly related to the statement, "for it is a shame (literally, indecorous) for women to speak in the church" (1 Corinthians 14:35). This is in the context of Paul’s correction of disorder and confusion in the church (v. 33), which undoubtedly resulted from the women being segregated from the men and their undisciplined manner of speaking out publicly and causing a disturbance. It is also clear from the text that the subjection of the women is primarily to their own husbands, since they were to ask their husbands at home if they wanted to learn anything.

Paul recognized women in ministry roles. In Romans 16:1, 2, Phoebe, the bearer of the letter Paul wrote to the Roman Christians from Corinth, is called "a servant (literally, ’minister’ or ’deacon’ from the Greek, diakonos) of the church which is at Cenchrea." She is also called "a succorer (Greek, prostates, ’a protectress’) of many, and of myself also." The meaning is "one who stands before, a front rank person, chief, leader."

Another one whom Paul greets is Priscilla and her husband Aquila (Romans 16:3-5). Paul calls them his "helpers (Greek, sunergos,–"fellow workers’) in Christ Jesus," a term applied to Timothy (Romans 16:21) and others of Paul’s companions in the ministry (Philemon 24). Priscilla was probably the most prominent and capable n ministry, since in four of the six times they are mentioned her name stands first. They taught Apollos (Acts 18:26) and opened their home as a meeting place for the church (Romans 16:5; 1 Corinthians 16:19).

Among others to whom Paul sends greetings are Junia and Andronicus, "who are of note among (the Greek preposition is en, which denotes ’fixed position’) the apostles" (Romans 16:7). Chrysotom and many prominent commentators were of the opinion Paul considered Junia as an apostle.Tryphaena, Tryphosa, and the beloved Persis are commended for their "labor in the Lord" (Romans 16:12). Paul elsewhere refers to Apphia, in whose house there was a church (Philemon 2), and to Euodias, Syntyche, and other women who were fellow-workers with Paul and struggled with him in the gospel (Philippians 4:2, 3). Lydia was prominent in the church at Philippi (Acts 16:12-16, 40).

Paul’s instruction to Timothy does not impose absolute silence on women. The opening expression in 1 Timothy 1:9-15, "in like manner also," indicates a link with men praying "everywhere" and emphasizes the proper attire and decorum of women who engage in public prayer. This is in harmony with what Paul stated about proper decorum for Corinthian women who prayed and prophesied in public (1 Corinthians 11:2-16).

That the husband-wife relationship is primarily in focus is evident in the transition in verse 11 from the plural to the singular, "man" and "woman," which terms can properly be translated "husband" and "wife." This is further evident in the reference to Adam and Eve, the first married couple, and also the reference in verse 15 to childbearing. The woman’s subjection is primarily to her husband, which corresponds with the parallel passage in 1 Corinthians 14:35, 35.

In both instances the reference does not pertain to women with a God-given maturity. It refers to bold women who are unqualified and who wrongfully attempt to teach and domineer over their husbands and others. Instead they need to submit and learn with respectful and modest decorum. Since Paul forbids the woman of whom he speaks to"usurp authority over" (Greek, authenteo, meaning "to act of oneself, to domineer over") the man, she is arrogating to herself a position in authority to which she is not entitled and a function in teaching for which she is not qualified or properly recognized.

The silence enjoined upon the woman cannot mean muteness. It comes from the Greek word hesuchia, which means "quietness, tranquility, absence of disturbance." The same word is translated "quiet" in 1 Timothy 2:2 where it refers to the manner or spirit in which prayer is to be offered. Its occurrence in 2 Thessalonians 3:11, 12 and 1 Peter 3:4 confirms this meaning.

In Christ there is neither male nor female. Paul indicates in Galatians 3:28 that in Christ sex discrimination and racial and social distinctions are abolished. Manifestations of the Spirit and ministry gifts are bestowed upon all members of Christ’s body (Romans 12:1-8, 1 Corinthians 12:1-31; Ephesians 4:1-16) with no distinction as to sex. Likewise all believers, both men and women, are made priests unto God (1 peter 2:4-10; Revelation 1:6; 5:10; 20:4, 6) and as such have a ministry in service and the offering up of spiritual sacrifices to the entire household of faith (1 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 3:6).

From Me2You
Pastor Mario