Saturday, March 18, 2017


Dear alt-left people: For the record, ignorance is not fascism.

There is a legal term for what these people are engaged in. It's legally called sedition. The sad thing is that Legion (the mainstream media) is promoting this narrative, likely for ratings.
How stupid does the alt-left think people are? This entire alleged "movement" undermines the principles of a free and open democracy on which our nation was founded. Somehow these people feel they have the moral right to undermine the political will of a majority of our states (30 states) because they disagree with the policies of the party the people of the United States legally voted into power. They are doing exactly what they claimed Trump supporters would do if they lost, a contention I wholeheartedly rejected from its inception. Liars believe everyone is a liar.
Here's the truth: They couldn't win at the polls for POTUS and have lost both houses of Congress with no hope to regain the majority in sight. Soon they will likely lose Control over the Supreme Court.

So now apparently they feel compelled to incite an insurrection in order to challenge a duly elected President. This movement is engineered to get people hurt. That is the only way they believe they can emotionally turn the hearts of the people of our country so that they gain some level of sympathy toward their socialist and fascist agenda.

Here's how Black's Law Dictionary breaks it down:
SEDITION, n. (14c) 1. An agreement, communication, or other preliminary activity aimed at inciting treason or some lesser commotion against public authority. 2. Advocacy aimed at inciting or producing — and likely to incite or produce — imminent lawless action. ● At common law, sedition included defaming a member of the royal family or the government. The difference between sedition and treason is that the former is committed by preliminary steps, while the latter entails some overt act for carrying out the plan.

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