Monday, December 30, 2019


Courtesy of Inspector General (IG), Michael Horowitz...
So I decided to break down the Deep State fiasco outlined in the IG’s FISA Scandal report into bite sized pieces that I am calling “FISA Treats”. Here’s the first one (all quotes from actual report):
(1) “Some of THE SAME FBI officials, supervisors, and attorneys responsible for the Midyear investigation (Hillary Clinton email scandal) were assigned to the newly opened Crossfire Hurricane investigation (Investigation into Trump Campaign/Russia collusion)… [and] there was ALMOST [interesting word to use, no?] no overlap between the FBI agents and analysts assigned to the Midyear and Crossfire Hurricane investigations”
The Midyear investigation was one of the most ridiculously conducted FBI investigations in U.S. history. You might say, “Well, Hillary was totally exonerated except for being guilty of innocent stupidity!”, which would technically be true. You see, in that investigation immunity was handed out like candy and used as the means of getting Hillary off the hook while allowing the destruction of any future forensic evidence of wrongdoing. This is how that went down: Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks basically took [or was made to take] the fall after having been given immunity by the FBI, admitting to, “having ACTED ON HIS OWN [pretty interesting] and against guidance given by both Clinton’s and Platte River’s attorneys to retain all data in compliance with a congressional preservation request…” (based on formal FBI reports) and then going on to mysteriously delete over 30,000 subpoenaed emails from Hillary's now infamous "private unsecured server.” The confession went something like, “Yeah, I did it but don’t know why I did.” So the FBI just accepts that explanation and tells America, “Run along now, nothing to look at here except for Hillary’s innocent sloppiness in setting up a private server to handle her official communications potentially hiding the details behind the millions of dollars donated to the Clinton foundation directly by foreign governments out of the goodness of their hearts”.
The fun doesn’t stop there folks. Bryan Pagliano, the former campaign staff member for Hillary’s 2008 presidential campaign and ex-State Department employee who actually set up the server in Hilary’s upstate New York residence, was also granted total immunity by the FBI in exchange for no apparent beneficial testimony.
Need I also mention the fact that Hillary’s lawyers, Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, were also granted immunity and were inexplicably subsequently allowed to destroy their laptops after the FBI agents conducting that investigation looked at them, basically destroying any hope of collecting future forensic evidence into any FBI malfeasance associated with the way the “Midyear” investigation was conducted by the FBI. When questioned, Hillary was never placed under oath during Midyear, and no transcript was ever kept of her answers to FBI questions, disallowing any future prosecution for perjury such as was used to entrap Flynn. Other FBI agents asked to comment on how this investigation was conducted have consistently asserted that investigations ARE NEVER done this way by the FBI. NEVER.
Now we learn that these are mostly the same FBI supervisors and attorneys who, thanks to the FISA IG report, we now know inappropriately (and possibly illegally) pursued and obtained FISA renewals to spy on President Trump’s campaign personnel by both omitting critical information that they legally had to provide, while fabricating other information altogether which they went on to include in their FISA renewal applications. The American public is then expected to believe that all of these actions and seemingly suspicious decisions are totally coincidental.
During a recent Senate hearing, Mr. Horowitz said that, "it is unknown as to precisely why" the FBI lawyer changed the content of the email [the fabrication referenced above]”, and then went on to say that these surveillance problems were "not routine" and that the motivations behind them are "unclear." The IG has since stated that the mistakes demonstrated either gross negligence or some other as of yet unknown causation, a matter to be investigated “by others” in the Justice Department. Now there’s a FISA IG report treat for you.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this Pastor. It certainly takes a lot of courage to post something like this in today's culture.

    Being an American at one point was known to symbolize justice and integrity. It was a reflection of our morality as given and defined by God.

    However, in addition to what is shared in this post, the events over the last few years that we all have been witness to have given us reason to pause and debate whether we even still are that same country. It should no longer be a forgone belief that we are. One reason why that could be called into question is because of what we saw with the constant scrutiny of Justice Kavanaugh before his confirmation to the Supreme Court. The man was slandered and unjustly labeled by our leading elected officials without proper cause in front of his wife and children. Then we learn that right or wrong, or "Believe all women" as defined by us the people is purely subjective, depending on political alliances as we see that candidate Biden gets a "pass" from the scrutiny by the same elected officials and the media concerning his allegations.

    Last week the DOJ dropped its case against General Flynn. Meanwhile, the man was jailed.

    Frankly, the country's leaders all need Jesus. Just as much as WE the church does. This remains the truth, as all of this is a result of the work that's been done to "separate the church and state".

